Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How often should I get my chimney swept/inspected?

One of the most frequent questions I am asked by my customers when I am inspecting and sweeping is how often should it be done.

I have listed below the sweeping frequency for the various types of fuel used as recommend by the Department of the Environment.

Wood burning fires - Four times a year
Solid fuel fires - Once a year if using smokeless fuel
Solid fuel fires - Twice a year if using coal
Oil fires - Once a year
Gas fires - Once a year if designed for sweeping



1 comment:

  1. Hi there! great stuff, glad to drop by your page and found these very interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing about , keep it up!
    The most prominent form of heat comes from furnaces, and boilers. Most of these are oil fired. Oil soot can accumulate within the chimney which can decrease your chimneys venting capabilities which then makes your heating appliance work harder, and decreases the efficiency of your furnace. This can cause you to consume more oil, and who can afford that at $4.00 a gallon? Oil soot is highly acidic, and also highly corrosive, and can cause extensive damage to the inside of your chimney thus decreasing the life of your chimney. Having your chimney swept annually removes this acidic soot, and prolongs the life of your chimney.

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